Performing Arts: About 关于我们

About Shen Pei Performing Arts Center

To promote Chinese culture, spread the truth, goodness and beauty in Chinese culture, and enhance cross-cultural understanding and communication.

To teach and disseminate Chinese culture and art, among second and later generations of Chinese Americans, and people who love Chinese culture.

To enhance communication and exchange between different ethnic groups, especially between Chinese and American social structure, and Chinese- Americans; to improve mutual understanding; to expand the availability, capacity, and visibility of quality Chinese performing arts in the community; and to confidently utilize the rich cultural heritage to lead the Chinese community to actively integrate into American society.

To contemplate problems facing all of humanity, and inspire creative solutions through arts.

Dance language is the most primitive common language of human beings. We are committed to express the beauty of Chinese culture, discover the beauty of life, show the beauty of nature, convey the emotions and energy of truth, goodness and beauty, Inspire hope for a better life, and cultivate people’s strengths and confidence in the pursuit of their ideals.

Through utilizing the art of dance, we stand against racism, sexism and cultural discrimination, especially against Asians and women. We oppose war and call for peace. We dedicate our work to promoting cultural diversity and social justice. We are committed to the preservation and further development of Chinese American culture and arts.

Our work is grounded in the Chinese philosophical view that nature and humans are inextricably linked, and the Chinese aesthetics that integrate body and mind, form and spirit. We learn from nature, and draw from the wellspring of traditional Chinese culture, which offers unique ways of thinking (through allegories and imageries), ways of expressing (emphasis on emptiness and innuendoes). At the same time, we also incorporate contemporary ideas, to explore the embodied culture of the East, such as dance, martial arts, and qigong. Our goal is to convey the beauty of nature, humanity, and traditional Chinese culture, to inspire the search for beauty, truth and justice. 





我们认为舞蹈语言是人类最原始的本体语言。 我们致力于用舞蹈作为一种人类共通的语言来表达中国文化之美,发现生活之美,展现自然之美,传递真善美的情怀和能量,唤起人们对美好生活的期待,以及共同追求美好生活的信心和力量。



人物传记 BIO

Shen, Pei – Artistic Consultant, Co-Founder (see

Starry Xin WuFounder

After more than 20 years of working experience at top IT companies, she decided to follow her heart to seek protection and inheritance of Chinese dance art. she learned Chinese dance during the pandemic with well-known dance master Shen, Pei.

In 2021, when she moved to MN, she participated in the celebration event of Shen Pei’s 70th years in the Art as a dancer and technical support. In while she studies dance and be assistant of SHEN PEI. In April 2022, she participated in the creation of Shen Pei’s new dance work – Battle of Chu-Han, which is a highlight of the Gao Hong Pipa Concert at the Oldway Center for the Performing Arts in MN.

Since May 2022, she works with Shen, Pei to cooperate with Chinese Friendship Garden Society as dancer, project manager and assistant for the project to Encounter in Liu Ming Yuan, which is a brand new creation dance work dedicated for China Garden in St. Paul, MN. It will be the world premiere on the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2022.