Performing Arts: Approach/Philosophy 美学

Performing Arts: Approach/Philosophy 美学

Based on the Chinese philosophical view of the unity of nature and human, that is, nature and human beings are inextricably integrated; based on the aesthetic view of the unity of body and mind, with both form and spirit, learn from nature and gain the source of the heart. Taking the unique thinking methods of Chinese traditional culture such as metaphors, chanting and imagery, the ethereal and virtual expression methods, and the wise methods of all kinds of body, under the care of contemporary concepts, creatively use the cultural treasures of the oriental body, such as dance, martial arts, qigong, etc. And so on, poetically show the beauty of nature, the beauty of human nature, the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. It calls for the discovery and keep of beauty, the awakening and struggle against social injustice, the scourge of evil deeds and bad habits, and the expression of determination and confidence to overcome evil.
